
Does Adobe商务 allow me to create a mobile app?

Adobe商务 shopping application | Foresight Mobile

Adobe商务 is one of the most widely used desktop e-commerce platforms in the world, and is based upon it open-source cousin 线上购物.

But what about on mobile?

While Adobe商务 doesn't directly offer a mobile app builder, 它确实提供了一套全面的api,允许开发人员构建连接到Adobe商务商店的自定义移动应用程序.

这些api使开发人员能够集成电子商务应用程序蓬勃发展所需的所有基本功能, such as product catalogue access, shopping cart management, order placement and processing, customer account management, and push notifications.

我有什么选择为我的Adobe / 线上购物商店开发移动应用程序?

To create a mobile app for your Adobe商务 store, you can hire a development team with expertise in Adobe商务 APIs, such as Foresight Mobile, to develop a fully-native app for you. 另外, 您可以使用第三方Adobe商务扩展和插件模板来简化集成过程, but you would get an inferior product compared to a fully native build.

What is the difference between Adobe商务 and 线上购物 2?

这仍然让很多人感到困惑(甚至是那些已经在使用其中一个的人)!), so let’s clear this up for you.

线上购物 2和Adobe商务都建立在相同的核心电子商务技术之上, but the main difference is that 线上购物 2 is an open-source platform, which means it’s free to use and modify. Adobe商务, on the other hand, is a paid-for platform, 您将获得带有Adobe商务许可证的完整Adobe商务支持包. 

线上购物 2 can be complex to set up and maintain, so it’s not the best option if you’re not familiar with web development. Adobe商务, on the other hand, 更容易设置和维护,并提供大量的特性和功能, but you’ve got the subscription bill to pay at the end of the month.

线上购物和. Adobe商务: Which platform is right for you?

The best platform for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. If you’re a small business with limited technical expertise, then 线上购物 2 will be the better option for you. 然而, 如果您的企业规模更大,需求更复杂,功能范围更广, then Adobe商务 may be a better choice.

We asked Andrew from 勇敢的 他们是如何发现与Adobe商务合作的?将他们的网络商店迁移到能够在iOS和Android上无缝运行的移动应用程序上是多么容易.

线上购物和Adobe商务在开发方面几乎没有什么不同.  使用这两种平台的项目都有很高的项目管理费用,以及上线后的运营成本. We’ve built mobile apps in the past, 我们了解到,最好把它留给像Foresight这样的专家——设计规则, development and getting accepted into app stores are completely different. There are some off-the-shelf solutions for mobile apps, 但在电子商务领域,并不是每个垂直行业都适用一种尺寸——甚至不是每个特定利基市场的零售商都适用一种尺寸,因为进步的零售商会有不同的要求. 获得针对特定零售商定制的应用程序至关重要,这将带来更好的结果.

Regardless of which option you choose, 我们可以帮助您开发线上购物移动应用程序或Adobe商务移动应用程序. All we need is the API to connect the mobile app to a backend server, which can provide it with data, 功能, or processing power.


Do I need a mobile app for my e-commerce store?

The short answer is yes; it will either keep you up-to-date with your competition or put you ahead of them. E-commerce app revenue reached $4.02 trillion in 2022, and 60% of transactions are now done on mobile devices. Traditional email marketing is ineffective, 拥有原生应用的商店可以从推送通知中获得巨大收益,从而重新吸引用户. 

Many of us tend to ignore emails and leave them unopened, 这意味着您发送给现有客户和潜在新客户的信息将被忽略. 采用移动应用程序发送营销文献将导致更多的人阅读你的材料. 这可能意味着你的转化率会更高,你会产生更多的业务. 这就是为什么你应该考虑为你的线上购物商店开发一个移动应用程序的原因之一.

If you want your business to really take off, then the facts speak for themselves; an e-commerce app version of your website is a great investment.

Does 线上购物 have a mobile app?

如果你研究谷歌,似乎有一些线上购物移动应用程序建设者可用. These tools could help turn your 线上购物 website into a mobile app; one of them you could possibly try is the 线上购物 2 Mobile App Builder 从Magecomp.

(Please note: we are not associated with them in any way.)

How long does it take to build an Adobe商务 mobile app?

This comes back to how you choose to develop it. 如果您选择第三方插件方法,那么它可以在几周内准备好. If you decide to go for the better, full native version, it will take a few months, but you’ll also get a much better, higher-performing app at the end. 

How much does it cost to create a native app for Adobe商务?

This depends on which platform option you choose. If you use 线上购物 to create your e-commerce store, then the cost could be negligible - IF you know what you’re doing with it. 如果选择Adobe商务,则需要更多的预算来支付Adobe订阅费用.

Who you choose to build your app will also affect your budget. 如果你使用像Foresight Mobile这样的应用开发者将你的Adobe网络商店迁移到移动应用中,而不是尝试使用线上购物自己构建它, 那么你需要更多的预算,因为你要得到我们一流的服务, years of experience, full-quality assurance testing, 和广泛的 aftercare and maintenance included in the build cost. 

如果您正在考虑将Adobe商务网络商店迁移到应用程序中,那么 保持联系, give us a few details about your Adobe e-commerce mobile app project ideas, and we’ll give you a no-obligation bespoke price.

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